Macrob (The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School) offers accelerated maths program in Year 9. Effectively these selected students study Y10 maths in Y9, go on to study VCE Math Methods Units 1/2 in Y10 and then 3/4 in Y11. The program is primarily for those who, while in Y8, have already been comfortable and familar with the Y9 maths contents and the higher level of mathematical thinking.

Most of the on-boarding girls ( still in their Year 8 study at various schools, while have secured a place at Mac.Rob for next year) will sit the Accelerated Maths Exam, held in late October every year at Macrob. The results of this exam will be considered together with the results of the Mathematics and the Numerical Reasoning components from the selective entrance exam in June earlier in the year.

75 students are selected from the 200+ who sat the exam, making up three accelerated maths classes (9AM). For those not doing 9AM, there are seven Y9 maths classes (9MA).

Macrob students not in the accelerated maths program can still complete the same VCE maths subjects (such as Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics).

Students commented on the accelerated maths exam as not too hard, while in-depth knowledge of Y9 maths and some reasoning ability are required. Overall the exam is closely tied to the Australian Curriculum Y9 Maths.

Linear relationships
Quadratic Relationships
And Reasoning (problem solving) ability
(non-exhaustive list) 

The 90 minutes exam is made up of two parts:

Section 1: 30 multi choice questions. Total of 30 marks.

Section 2: Nine short answer response questions that each might have multiple sub questions. 
Total of 35 marks.

(Section 1 is also used as a hurdle requirement - not passing Section 1 requirement would result in Section 2 not being marked. )

Calculators are not permitted.

Photo Identification is required on the day.

Macrob 女中 九年级设有数学快班 accelerated maths classes,学习十年级数学的内容。快班的学生大多数都会在十年级时学习 VCE Math Methods 1/2,在十一年级学 3/4。选拔快班学生的具体办法多年来有过一些微调。下面是目前的情况:

绝大多数被录取的学生(下一年的九年级)都参加数学快班选拔考试。三个数学快班一共75个名额。也就是二百多名学生里选出三分之一。不进入快班的学生将在七个正常数学班学习九年级数学。由于 Macrob 的所有学生都是选拔进入的,正常班也不是不好。

不在数学快班的 Macrob 学生并没有失去学习 VCE 任何数学科目的机会。比如,在 Y12 完成 Methods 和 Spesh。

该考试十月中下旬在 Macrob 校内进行。此考试的成绩和早前当年六月份的 Selective School Entrance Exam 里面的 Mathematics 以及 Numerical Reasoning 两项的成绩一起考虑。此考量应该是避免一次考试的偶然失常(flunked an exam)对个别学生的影响。

这个 Accelerated Maths Exam,难度不算很高,但需要熟知九年级数学的内容。范围比较广,灵活的题有一些。考试时间为90分钟。考试分两部分:

Section 1:30 道标准化选择题。共30分。

Section 2:九道 short answer response questions,每道有若干小题。共35分。



可以随身携带的文具:笔 铅笔 卷笔刀 橡皮 (不可以带计算器)

考试内容紧密反映 Australian Curriculum Year 9 Maths 的内容。

Linear relationships
Quadratic Relationships
And Reasoning (problem solving) ability
(non-exhaustive list) 

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